Spinal Cord dedicates a Special Edition to "SwiSCI 360° Perspective – Results from the Swiss SCI Survey"
The second SwiSCI community survey was successfully conducted between March 2017 and March 2018 and recruited a substantial proportion of the spinal cord injury population in Switzerland. A Special Edition of Spinal Cord summarizes important findings of the survey.
SwiSCI has been a research platform supported by Swiss Paraplegic Research in Nottwil, Switzerland for the past decade. Responding to the need to collect information from a comprehensive perspective on functioning, based on the interactive, person-environment model from WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), SwiSCI has provided the evidential basis for many focused studies both on methodological issues and on salient aspects of the experience of SCI and the societal response to the needs of people with SCI. This collection of papers reports on these studies and points the way forward for the implementation of these results.
Stucki G, Bickenbach J: Editorial. Spinal Cord, published online 09.04.2021
Gross-Hemmi MH, Gemperli A, Fekete C, Brach M, Schwegler U, Stucki G: Methodology and study population of the second Swiss national community survey of functioning after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, published online: 17.11.2020.
Buzzell A, Coutinho Camargos K, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Hug K, Jordan X, Schubert M, & Brinkhof MWG: Self-reports of treatment for secondary health conditions: results from a longitudinal community survey in spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, published online: 08.12.2020.
Gemperli A, Brach M, Debecker I, Eriks-Hoogland I, Scheel-Sailer A, Ronca E: Utilization of health care providers by individuals with chronic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, published online: 17.02.2021.
Ronca E, Scheel-Sailer A, Eriks-Hoogland I, Brach M, Debecker I, Gemperli A: Factors influencing specialized health care utilization by individuals with spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional survey. Spinal Cord, published online: 13.11.2020.
Braunwalder C, Müller R, Kunz S, Tough H, Landmann G, & Fekete C: Psychosocial resources and chronic pain in individuals with spinal cord injury: evidence from the second Swiss national community survey. Spinal Cord, published online: 19.11.2020.
Carrard V, Kunz S, Peter C: Mental health, quality of life, self-efficacy, and social support of individuals living with spinal cord injury in Switzerland compared to that of the general population. Spinal Cord, published online: 24.11.2020.
Gross-Hemmi MH, Fekete C, Post MWM, Scheel-Sailer A, Schwegler U, Brinkhof MWG: Detecting subgroups in social participation among individuals living with spinal cord injury: a longitudinal analysis of community survey data. Spinal Cord, published online: 14.01.2021.
Schwegler U, Fekete C, Finger M, Karcz K, Staubli S, Brinkhof MWG: Labor market participation of individuals with spinal cord injury living in Switzerland: determinants of between-person differences and counterfactual evaluation of their instrumental value for policy. Spinal Cord, published online: 14.01.2021.
Reinhardt JD, Fellinghauer CS & Post MWM: Change in environmental barriers experienced over a 5-year period by people living with spinal cord injury in Switzerland: a prospective cohort study. Spinal Cord, published online: 23.11.2020.
Diviani N, Zanini C, Gemperli A, Rubinelli S: An exploration of information seeking behavior among persons living with spinal cord injury in Switzerland. Spinal Cord, published online: 17.11.2020.