Host Institution

The SwiSCI Study Center is located at Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPR) in Nottwil. Leaders of SPR are Prof. Dr. Gerold Stucki as director since 2005 and Mirjam Brach as research manager since 2006.
It is the objective of the SPR to contribute to a long-term and lasting improvement of functioning, equal opportunities and quality of life of people with paraplegia through holistic, clinical and population-based research. The holistic perspective of research at the Swiss Paraplegic Research Institute is unique and it integrates all relevant bio-psychosocial aspects of human experience into its research.
The SPR follows the strategy 'GSIR' (Get Strategy into Research) as a principle, in order to ensure that the relating strategies of research in the single projects are realized in the daily routine of research. There is the overall goal "GRIP" (Get Research into Practice) in the development phase, which supports the implementation of the research results into provision, services and politics.
In order to realize its objectives, the SPR has established a national and international research network for holistic rehabilitation research, with which the latest insights shall now be applied for best possible medical support and care, social security, politics and society. The Swiss Paraplegic Research Institute is an institution which is recognized and sponsored by the state and the canton. It is also connected to the professorship of Health Sciences and Health Politics at the University of Lucerne and hence plays an important role at the research location Switzerland.