The non-profit association ParaHelp supports paraplegics as well as people with neurologically caused paralysis conditions. ParaHelp plays an important role as an outpatient counseling service in the context of holistic rehabilitation for persons with spinal cord injury and their relatives.
The aim is to support the person with spinal cord injury quickly and comprehensively when needed. A central concern is- apart from avoiding complications- the conservation of as much independence as possible and autonomy of the person with spinal cord injury, thus the effectiveness of the rehabilitation is supported and fostered. Through ParaHelp, the situation at home can be optimized and the quality of life can be improved. ParaHelp is working with outpatients in the whole of Switzerland and is stationed at the sites Nottwil, Märstetten, Yvonand and Vicques.
Manager of ParaHelp is Mirjana Bosnjakovic.